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Mindletic Journal Interpretation

How to interpret emotions in the Mindletic journal?

A study by Barrett (1998) demonstrated that emotions can be understood using a dimensional model, which emphasized their two qualities: Valence (level of pleasantness) and Arousal (level of bodily activation). Based on this emotion dimensional model, the Mindletic journal defines emotions as having two dimensions, pleasantness and energy. The horizontal axis is meant to track pleasantness – it represents how pleasant or unpleasant we feel. The vertical axis represents energy: how much physical energy is running through our bodies. The two axes cross to form four quadrants, and each has a corresponding color that you can interpret using the guide below.

What is an emotional balance zone?

Emotional balance zone is the area inside the emotion dimensional model that represents the most typical emotions for each person and their variability. This area is based on your emotional journaling history, with the biggest attention given to your recent entries.This is useful because you can notice whenever the emotion that you’re journaling is unusual for you. It is a good opportunity for some deeper reflection on your part and, possibly, a discussion with a professional about it.

The four quadrants of emotion dimension model:

1. The low-energy pleasant quadrant (dark blue) represents such feelings as calm, tranquil, relaxed, peaceful, or secure. Generally, feeling these emotions is an excellent place to be for concentration and productivity. This quadrant is also a great place to be for working collaboratively, giving or receiving feedback, and taking time for self-reflection. If you have been on the more intense spectrum of low-energy, and feeling pleasantly sleepy, do not fret – with a small uptick in energy, you will be able to enjoy the benefits this quadrant brings in no time. Enjoy being in this mellow state and feel your mind & body rest and recharge.

How to move away from this quadrant when needed? Try listening to upbeat music and moving your body to get some blood flowing. Take a walk to boost your energy and get some fresh air. Use self-talk to remind yourself of something that inspires you about your personal life or work.


2. The high-energy unpleasant quadrant (mahogany) represents such emotions as being angry, shocked, anxious, or concerned. This is an excellent time to channel this whirlwind energy to e.g. write a persuasive argument or advocate for something you believe in. It is also a good place to be when you want to take action on something important or to compete in debate or sports. Make sure you reflect on what triggers you to arrive at this unpleasant high-energy state.

How to move away from this quadrant when needed? Try going for a walk to clear your head, listening to your stress-busting music, or taking a few slow deep breaths to calm your body. Use the Self-care section in Mindletic or a rephrasing self-talk (e.g., “This is a part of my day, but it does not define my whole day”).


3. The low-energy unpleasant quadrant (light blue) represents the feelings of sadness, disappointment, discouragement, depression, or loneliness. These emotions often go together with feeling fatigued, as they drain energy from our bodies. At the same time, feeling tired can prohibit us from feeling pleasantness and joy. While lingering on this side of the emotion meter, it is best to focus on your inner state and try undemanding self-care activities such as reading or watching a feel-good show. Treat yourself as a good friend would treat you if you had a bad day. If you have energy for that, reach out to friends or family to lift your spirits. Being in this quadrant may increase your empathy towards other people feeling similarly.

How to move away from this quadrant when needed? Self-care is the best remedy you can give to yourself right now. Do not judge yourself for feeling these emotions and being down. Use self-talk to remind yourself of the big picture or try gratefulness practice. If the emotions you are feeling are intense, it may be a good idea to talk to a professional before it gets worse.


4. The high-energy, pleasant quadrant (peach) involves such emotions as happy, excited, cheerful, energized, or motivated. Being in this quadrant means that now is a good time to start a new project, have a brainstorm or a problem-solving session with your team, or work on a creative project. It is an excellent place to check things off your to-do list! You may even have a positive infectious effect on your social circle – try to share the pleasant emotions you are feeling to help others.

How to move away from this quadrant when needed? We definitely do not want to lose the pleasantness in your emotional state. So if feeling high-energy pleasant emotions is too taxing or unproductive, try e.g. turning one of your meetings into a walking meeting or go for a run to use some energy. Use meditations or listen to calm music to bring yourself to a more balanced mood whilst keeping the pleasantness with you.