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Emotional exhaustion

Abstract figures spreaded, emotional exhaustion. Mindletic blog

Just a few of us have not experienced emotional exhaustion. It is a state where we feel emotionally overwhelmed by the stress we experience in the work environment or our personal lives, sometimes even in both.Psychologists mention that emotional exhaustion is not simple fatigue. It feels like the brain is no longer working, and you are trying to go through thick dirt or think through thick fog.

Usually, at this time, you want to lie down and sleep as long as possible. It can be seen as a result, we become less productive. This condition can be detrimental to work or personal life. When we experience emotional exhaustion, we feel as if we cannot control what is going on in our lives, we do not have energy, and we are trapped or imprisoned in ourselves. Everyone who experiences long-term stress becomes emotionally exhausted and “burned out”.

How to recognize exhaustion and when should I worry?

When the feeling of exhaustion does not abandon you for more than one or two weeks – you should be worried. Suffering fatigue can be associated with the underlying disease or infection, especially if symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, loss of appetite occur.

Professor Anna K. Schaffner says it’s important to know what activities restore and suppress our energy. For some, extreme sports can help, for others, reading a book. It is important to be able to draw the line between work and leisure.

Exhaustion can be recognized by: a lack of motivation, sleep disturbance, irritability, physical fatigue, feelings of despair, distraction, apathy, headache, lost appetite, nervousness, anger, pessimism, increased fear, or even depression.

Tips on how to deal with the exhaustion:

1. Eliminate the root cause of stress

Often we don’t even know why we’re exhausted. Therefore, it is first and foremost important to find out the root cause of stress. Consultation with our professional could help. If you experience constant stress at work, look for ways to reduce it.

2. A healthy diet

Try to choose a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, cereals. Avoid unhealthy snacks and fast food. A healthy balanced diet will help fight sleep, digestive problems, increase energy. This will be a great help in combating emotional exhaustion.

Alcohol can temporarily lift your mood, but the feeling quickly disappears. Later, we become more anxious and depressed. Alcohol impairs sleep quality.

3. Quality sleep

Sleep quality is important for emotional health. This is especially effective when we can create a sleep routine. The habit created will allow you to relax and improve the quality of sleep. Smartphones offer a sleep timer for routine setup – give it a try!

4. Talk with a friend

Try not to stifle feelings and talk about existing problems with a close friend, relative, colleague. When we talk, we feel better.

5. Break

If there is an opportunity – take a break and relax. It can be a short vacation without a phone and computer.

6. Meet with a professional

A specialist in this area will help you deal with the stress and emotional exhaustion you are experiencing. A professional will offer you helpful tips on how you can handle a stressful period.