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Different types of rest everyone needs

Abstract figures, importance of rest. Mindletic blog

Rest is necessary for the achievement of a successful occupational balance. It helps to recover from a load of stress built up at work, improve job performance and motivation. Nowadays, it seems almost impossible to get some quality rest. A 2018 survey found that 21% of adults felt stressed during their time off, and 28% worked more than they thought they would on vacation. Also, nearly a quarter of working adults said the positive effects of vacation time disappear immediately upon returning to work. Thus, it’s essential not only to take one month’s vacation during summer but to rest regularly. While time off is highly subjective, there are a few key points that help truly recover.

Key points of rest


To relax, you have to make some work-life boundaries. Frequent work interruptions require attention-shifting and don’t allow you to relax and recharge. It’s hard to unwind when you constantly check your emails and think about work. Tell your manager and coworkers when you aren’t available and turn off notifications.

Unplug yourself

Scrolling through social media isn’t rest but rather another energy-draining activity. Time spent consuming irrelevant information increases information overload, which later results in exhaustion. So, when you’re on vacation or simply resting after the workday, try to be more mindful about your activities.

Be present

Instead of worrying about tomorrow, switch your focus to what is happening right now. Engage fully in the present moment. Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us to enjoy the world around us more. Focus on your senses – sights, sounds, smells or tastes offered by the present moment. 

Know how you relax best

We all have our favorite stress recovery methods. While intense physical exercise may work for some, others might need to escape to nature. Find a non-work activity that matches your needs and provides an opportunity to refill mental and physical resources.

Exercises for the recovery

# 1// Sleep and be active

To rest physically, we need both active and passive types of rest. It may seem counterintuitive, but physical activities restore your physical well-being and help you relax. Try activities such as yoga, stretching, or simply walking. Passive physical rest, on the other hand, is when your body is asleep or napping. Get enough sleep (no less than 7 hours) and have a regular sleep schedule.

# 2// Take a break

Short breaks throughout your workday help your mind to calm down and process information. It can be simple as deep breaths or a quick walk. During this time, try and find moments to let your mind to be blank, so you could be ready for another hour of productive work.

# 3// 5 minutes in stillness

Noisy cities, pinging notifications, and endless staring at a screen contribute to constant sensory stimulation. It’s essential to find time to be alone in silence and recharge. Turn off all computer and phone sounds, close your eyes, and try to find stillness even for 5 minutes.

# 4// Go Outside

We spend most waking hours with our attention and thoughts directed towards work, ourselves and others. Allow yourself to take a step back and observe, explore and appreciate the outdoors. This is often referred to as creative rest, and it reawakens the awe and curiosity inside each of us.

# 5//  Reconnect with yourself

Give yourself time to be alone. Interaction with coworkers or other people can, at times, be emotionally draining. Take a break from hanging out with others and find some space to express your feelings freely.